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Top Panel of the Week - 2/7
Paper Girls #20 -Where did it all go wrong?
Hawkeye #15 - Awkward Talk with Dad
Batman: White Knight #5 - Monkey in the Middle
Batman White Knight #5 - Batgirl Flips Batman
Runaways #6 - No One Touches Nico!
Avengers #679 - Challenger Revealed!
I Hate Fairyland #16 - Just In Time For Groundhogs Day!
Paper Girls #20 - No One Understads Gen-Xers!
Rogue & Gambit #2 - How Convenient?!
X-Men Red #1 - Jean Returns!
Iron Fist #77 - Restored!
Batman #40 - Been There, Seen That!
Paper Girls #20 - Terminated!
Rogue & Gambit #2 - Do You Hear Wedding Bells?
Superman #40 - Beginnings!
Mech Cadet Yu #6 - Robos To The Rescue!
Superman #40 - Caves Vs. Fortresses!
Batman #40 - Up, Up, And Away! DUH!
Batman #40 - Wonderoos?
She-Hulk #162 - It Hurts!
X-Men Gold #21 - Goodbye "Old" Friend
Injustice 2 #19 - Titans Together!
The Walking Dead #176 - It's Mama!
Injustice 2 #19 - No One Kills Robin!