Volunteer Survey

Have you ever volunteered to coach youth sports? (in this league or any other youth league)
If yes - did you return/continue coaching?
If you responded no to either of the first two questions - what kept you from volunteering/returning? (check all that apply)
Limited time
Didn't know enough about the sport to teach it
Did know about the sport, but didn't feel confident in my ability to teach/coach
Didn't feel welcome, it seemed "cliquey"
Heard negative things about someone else's experience
Didn't feel supported/lack of communication and help
If you chose "other" please explain.
Have you ever volunteered in a role other than coaching?
If yes - did you return/continue volunteering?
If you responded no to either of the first two questions - what kept you from volunteering/returning? Check all that apply
Limited time
Didn't feel welcome/didn't feel I fit in
Didn't know about volunteer opportunities available
Didn't know more volunteers were needed
Heard negative things about someone else's experience
Lack of communication/support
If you chose "other" please explain
Use this space to share any other comments, questions, concerns or suggestions you would like our Board of Directors to consider or address this season. This is where you can add your name if you wish to.
{"name":"Volunteer Survey", "url":"https://www.supersurvey.com/QQFJF6V5H","txt":"Have you ever volunteered to coach youth sports? (in this league or any other youth league), If yes - did you return\/continue coaching?, If you responded no to either of the first two questions - what kept you from volunteering\/returning? (check all that apply)","img":"https://www.supersurvey.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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