What do you want next week’s theme to be? (10-09) NOTE: You can choose more than one!

Consoom Aliens (thread on "migrants" e.g. Martha's vineyard incident)
Consoom Artemis (Thread on NASA going to the moon)
Consoom Big Winds (weather thread relating to climate change e.g., Hurricane Ian)
Consoom Coincidence (((thread)))
Consoom Enjoyment (Positivity Thread i.e. enjoying the little things in life)
Consoom FLAT EARTH!? (conspiracy thread)
Consoom Fear WWIII (Thread on fears about World War III)
Consoom Free Money (Thread on student loan forgiveness)
Cosmogenesis vs Christianity
{"name":"What do you want next week’s theme to be? (10-09) NOTE: You can choose more than one!", "url":"https://www.supersurvey.com/QPMJ65WHE","txt":"Consoom Aliens (thread on \"migrants\" e.g. Martha's vineyard incident), Consoom Artemis (Thread on NASA going to the moon), Consoom Big Winds (weather thread relating to climate change e.g., Hurricane Ian)","img":"https://www.supersurvey.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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