Lingerie Brand Market Information.

Research conducted by and for Chloe Morley. 
Research conducted by and for Chloe Morley. 
Which age bracket do you fall in to?
What size bust would you describe yourself as? (Actual size preferred, if not; small bust, XL bust, somewhere in between, etc.)
Are you happy/comfortable with your size?
Doesn't bother me
If "No", please explain why. If you do not feel comfortable answering, please put "N/A"
Where - if anywhere - do you feel caters for your bust size;
Whats one thing you love about them as a brand and their products?
Whats something you would change about how they work or the products they offer?
What would you like to see offered in your size? (products, service, prices, etc.)
What aspect of a product can make you feel AMAZING when wearing it? (colour, fit, pattern, etc.)
What is MOST important to you when choosing lingerie?
Would you prefer if a brand focused on JUST lingerie or expanded in to swimwear, nightwear, clothing, etc.
Focused on lingerie
Expanded in to other products
Do you feel like your Religion and/or Race is represented and/or catered for in this industry?
If "Yes" please explain how:
If "No" please explain how you would like to see that change. (Products offered, adverts, models used, etc.)
Do you feel like your size is represented and/or catered for in this industry?
If "Yes" please explain how
If "No" please explain what you would like to see to change that. (Models used, pricing, adverts, etc.)
If you had any advice and/or suggestions for a lingerie brand, what would it be?
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions. If you are happy to be contacted by myself for further research, or to find out about new products, please leave your email below
{"name":"Lingerie Brand Market Information.", "url":"","txt":"Research conducted by and for Chloe Morley., Which age bracket do you fall in to?, What size bust would you describe yourself as? (Actual size preferred, if not; small bust, XL bust, somewhere in between, etc.)","img":""}
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