Good Karma Yoga Studio Student Survey

Please tell us your name and contact information. You may skip this question and not receive emails if you wish to remain anonymous. We still appreciate your feedback!
Did you know we offer online yoga classes?
How did you hear about Good Karma Yoga Studio?
How many online classes have you attended with Good Karma Studio?
10+ classes
5-10 classes
1-5 classes
0 - I knew that online classes were offered, but have not attended any classes yet.
0 - I did not know online classes were offered.
Please Specify:
Did you know our online classes are recorded and are available for you to use anytime?
How many times do you use the class recording?
every day
every week
a few times a week
A few times a month
I have tried the recordings a couple times
0 times - I knew about the recordings, but have not used the service yet
0 times - I did not know about the online recordings
Why do you use the class recordings?
I supplement my weekly class throughout the week.
I regularly use the recording instead of the live class.
I use the recording when I can't join in live.
I never use the recordings.
Would you attend small, IN-PERSON yoga classes at Good Karma Studio?
YES - I'm ready to attend in-person classes again!
NO - I'm not ready to attend in-person classes quite yet.
MAYBE - I might attend in-person classes.
What is your comfort level with meeting for IN-PERSON yoga classes again?
Not comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very comfortable!
Are you interested in attending OUTDOOR yoga classes?
YES - I would definitely attend outdoor classes!
NO - I am not interested in attending outdoor classes.
MAYBE - I might consider attending outdoor classes.
What is your comfort level with meeting for OUTDOOR yoga classes?
Not comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very comfortable!
If you haven't attended classes in 2021, what is your primary reason for not attending? (check all that apply)
I do not enjoy attending online classes.
Online classes aren't really working for me anymore.
I found another activity that suits my needs better.
I like more personalized instruction.
Times for classes offered online do not fit my schedule.
I'm waiting for in-person classes again!
I do not have internet.
Does not apply
What would it take for you to attend safely distanced IN-PERSON classes again? (check all that apply)
Everyone wearing masks including teacher and safely distanced.
Students wearing masks but not teacher and safely distanced.
No masks and safely distanced.
Everyone safely distanced and Confidence that the studio is sanitized
What kind of class would you like to attend at Good Karma Studio?
Online only with more times available
In-person only with more times available
Online and in-person hybrid
Would you be comfortable taking a Hybrid online and in-person classes?
somewhat comfortable
completely comfortable
What class times do you prefer for Online classes? (check all that apply)
Please Specify:
What class times do you prefer for in studio classes? (check all that apply)
Please Specify:
Have you ever contacted the studio or your teacher?
Yes, I am in contact regularly
I reach out occasionally
Once or twice this last year
Only for technical assistance
Was our response helpful? We love to hear your feedback!
Are you interested in Personalized Programs?
Yes, send me more information!
No, thank you.
Maybe, I would like to know more.
We care about you and want to hear how you are during these challenging times. You can share your story here, it is completely confidential.
Are you interested in helping Good Karma Studio re-open? (check all that apply)
Yes, I want to help in the studio.
Yes, I want to help promote the studio online.
Yes, I love telling my friends and neighbors about Good Karma Studio!
Yes, please contact me.
{"name":"Good Karma Yoga Studio Student Survey", "url":"","txt":"Please tell us your name and contact information. You may skip this question and not receive emails if you wish to remain anonymous. We still appreciate your feedback!, Did you know we offer online yoga classes?, How did you hear about Good Karma Yoga Studio?","img":""}
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